IIM Lucknow Core PGP (Stats for 2020 - 2022)

IIM Lucknow - Transparent Stats Minimum Final Composite Score for Offered Number of Waitlist Movement Note:- The nos. mentioned in the waitlist movement are the merit rank of the last candidate who was offered admission by IIM Lucknow in that category. Thus, if 548 is the last merit rank offered admission it means there were a total of 548 people who were given the offer of admission in the General Category. The same follows for other categories as well. Important Links related to the Institute - Link to official Website - http://www.iiml.ac.in/ Link to Placement Reports (Summers) - Placement Report 2022 Link to Placement Report (Finals) - Placement Report 2020 Selection Process (Batch 2021-2023) - Composite Score Calculation Flagship PGP Program Details - Program Details Fees and Expenses - Program Fees (2020 - 2022) IIM Lucknow (Stats for 2021-2023) >>>> S ource - www.google.com Note:- This post...