IIM Ahmedabad Interview Experience 2021 - 02
IIM Ahmedabad Interview Experience 2021 - 02 Credits and Thanks to multiple people for sharing their Interview Experiences. I have clubbed questions from a few interviews together and segregated them according to the category. Names have not been mentioned since the said people wanted to maintain privacy. Date: 26 February 2021 Date: 08 March 2021 Academic Questions - What subjects from mechanical engineering are important for machine designing? Follow-up questions on Materials science, Design of machine elements, etc. Questions on eigen vector and calculus. What is a carburetor? Why it is not used in diesel engines? Personal Questions - What are your hobbies? Work Experience Questions - What concepts from college are being used in work? Design health insurance model? What is the process in a simplified way? How policies are being decided and what factors should be considered while picking any policy? Define RDBMS? What is NoSQL and how data is being retrieved? Curre